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Through GOOGLE SEO, Deal 600-700 New Customer Yearly

透过网站 GOOGLE SEO,一年拿到多达600-700个新的顾客

Our company was established in 2006, supplying all kinds of machinery parts and repair services.
We have tried a lot of traditional advertisements such as publishing in the first page of newspaper which cost few millions and yet not so effective.
After we utilised the services of NEWPAGES, our sales have increased approximately 300% to 400%.
Most of our enquiries are from global buyers. Deals made were up to 50 to 60% compared to deals made through traditional marketing methods which were only 10% to 20%.
Mr. Mah
First Multi Ever Corporation Sdn. Bhd.
 Our Website Results 
  • 4 website on-going with ONESYNC
  • 650++ average new customer in 1 years
  • 400% increase in sales

10 Jun 2021